Case Compass Guide
Enabling factors
What are the key factors that enable case management and supporting information systems in a country?
Maybe less than you think. When resources match ambitions, countries can adopt good case management practices and successfully develop corresponding information systems.

Based on a review of country experiences, this section suggests a set of key factors that would enable the introduction of case management and a case management information system. It provides some examples of how countries have turned these factors into diverse operating systems. Many of these relate to the introduction of case management practices, which are usually in place before a case management information system is developed.

The Case Compass team is ready to support governments in defining and developing what it takes to strengthen an integrated provision of services through case management.
It is important there are enough benefits and services, so case management professionals can refer beneficiaries to them. If external services are scarce, accompaniment and counseling can become the core of case management interventions.
Developing case management information systems requires legislation on information exchange and data privacy. If such laws don’t exist, there should be very few gaps in the existing legislative framework.
Experience with case management helps, either through professional social services or at least one pilot program. If there isn’t previous experience, countries should dedicate resources to developing case management methodologies and training professionals on case management practices.
Ideally, case management services should be part of a well-established institution. It also helps if they belong to a broader country strategy for the integrated provision of benefits and services. Case management information systems are sometimes part of e-government initiatives that seek to provide a framework for digitizing public services.
Case management and case management information systems cost money to develop, implement, and maintain. Other costs (like help desks and technical training) should be accounted for, too. Case management information systems ideally expand according to shifts in social policy. Therefore, decision makers should plan for agile and scalable software development.
A case management information system requires a minimum level of IT infrastructure to support basic functionalities. This applies at the central level and in the field. End users should have computers, tablets, or other devices (ideally with internet access).